Leaders Home Page
Welcome to the home pages for Leaders and helpers. This page acts as a gateway to information, forms and booking functions
Birthday Celebrations

Select for Details
Outstanding Actions
You need to sign in so I know who you are
What's New
Expenses | The Expenses app has been updated and extended. To find out what is now available, Select here |
Training | Scroll down to Adult Training & Development to find links and information about online training modules. There is also a link to the Scout "Compass" system. |
Meetings | The "Manage Meetings" function App has been updated to allow a Zoom meeting to be registered and the meeting link / id / password stored. |
Risk Assessments | Register your Risk Assessments and receive notifications under "Outstanding Actions" when the review is due. You can also load the risk assessments onto our web site. |
Section Information | All apps that relate to a Seciion have now been consolidated into the Information & Comms block. See "Load Section Information" in How Do I for details and example. |
Videos | You can now load documents, images, videos or links to other web pages for Section information, news items or meeting information. |
Active Events
Active Events are those:-
- which are already visible on our Web Site
- Which require Booking to participate or help (this could include the tracking of forms, payments etc
- And/Or which require accounts to be submitted
You can select the event to view or update bookings, forms, payments, accounts and also submit a NAN form if applicable.
My Finances
This block contains all you need to know about expenses, requesting payment of invoices and making cash / cheque deposits to the Group. All of these have been combined into the My Finances application-
My Finances

Claim My Expenses

Invoice Payments

Group Deposits
How Do I
Select one of these for a simple guide to:-
Load Section Information

Risk Assessments

Order Badges

Report Wish / Damage

Book Archery / Shooting

Add News Items

Information & Comms
You need to sign in so I know who you are
Bookings & Reporting (Quick)
Record a booking for a resource, activity or report an entry for our wish list or damage to a resource.
Quick Book

Quick Activity

Quick Wish

Quick Damage

Quick Events

Bookings & Reporting (Mgmt)
Manage your resource & activity bookings or your wish list or damage reports.
My Bookings

Wish List / Damages

Events Mgmt