GDT Home Page
Welcome to the home pages for members of our Group Development Team, our Service Crew and those responsible for coordinating resources in support of our Leaders. This page acts as a gateway to information, forms and booking functions
Outstanding Actions
You need to sign in so I know who you are
What's New
Expenses | The Expenses app has been updated and extended. To find out what is now available, Select here |
Training | Scroll down to Adult Training & Development to find links and information about online training modules. There is also a link to the Scout "Compass" system. |
Meetings | The "Manage Meetings" function App has been updated to allow a Zoom meeting to be registered and the meeting link / id / password stored. |
Risk Assessments | Register your Risk Assessments and receive notifications under "Outstanding Actions" when the review is due. You can also load the risk assessments onto our web site. |
Section Information | All apps that relate to a Seciion have now been consolidated into the Information & Comms block. See "Load Section Information" in How Do I for details and example. |
Videos | You can now load documents, images, videos or links to other web pages for Section information, news items or meeting information. |
Active Events
Active Events are those:-
- which are already visible on our Web Site
- Which require Booking to participate or help (this could include the tracking of forms, payments etc
- And/Or which require accounts to be submitted
You can select the event to view or update bookings, forms, payments, accounts and also submit a NAN form if applicable.
My Finances
This block contains all you need to know about expenses, requesting payment of invoices and making cash / cheque deposits to the Group. All of these have been combined into the My Finances application-
My Finances

Claim My Expenses

Invoice Payments

Group Deposits
How Do I
Select one of these for a simple guide to:-
Load Section Information

Risk Assessments

Order Badges

Report Wish / Damage

Book Archery / Shooting

Add News Items

Information & Comms
You need to sign in so I know who you are
Bookings & Reporting (Quick)
Record a booking for a resource, activity or report an entry for our wish list or damage to a resource.
Quick Book

Quick Activity

Quick Wish

Quick Damage

Quick Events

Bookings & Reporting (Mgmt)
Manage your resource & activity bookings or your wish list or damage reports.
My Bookings

Wish List / Damages

Events Mgmt