Hayling Scouts and the Community

Service to others has always been an integral part of the scout training and as a group we have always prided ourselves on our willingness to help others. The basis of this help has had to change significantly over the years to reflect changing social attitudes and demands and on Hayling we have changed our approach to this key element of Scouting.
In 1997 we initiated a programme called “Community 2000” with the emphasis being on how we could benefit others with our facilities, equipment and expertise. This programme managed by ourselves and supported by the National Lottery, enabled us to extend our HQ with additional meeting rooms, improved storage capabilities, additional equipment and a trailer for use both by ourselves and others in the community.
For example in the past few years:-
- The HQ has been used by:-
- Scout Groups, Guide companies and other youth organisations for day outings or for weekends away.
- As a temporary meeting place for The Hayling College for Dance Class GCSE, The residents of Harvey Brown House for Line Dancing and the Hayling Tai Chi Group and The Hayling Kick Boxing Group
- The Island School of Tap for rehersals
- An Arts and Crafts club
- Private Events for Children
- Linking with other charities on the Island, (example include the Lions Club and the Hayling Island Businessmen’s Association) we provide and maintain equipment (tents, stoves, rucksacks etc) suitable for use in the Duke of Edinburgh Awards Scheme for Schools and other organisations.
- Our Group Marquees will often be seen at various events on and off the Island
- Our Group Trailer is used by many other organisations and individuals
- Our general equipment and camping equipment is used by other groups and organisations including schools, youth clubs and sailing clubs for their own events and activities.
- Our people (youth and adult) will often be found supporting other organisations, whether it be car parking marshals, setting up or taking down equipment, running activity bases for schools or just providing general support.
Whilst this list is not exhaustive it does show our commitment of “Service to Others” which remains a key element of Scout training today.