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All information you provide will be treated in confidence, used solely for the purposes of the Hayling Scout Group and will not be passed to any other party.
We use an app called "Online Scout Manager" to register, manage and maintain our youth membership and you can access this with the link below.
You will then be added to our list of those wishing to join and you will receive confirmation of your request to join.
Unfortunately we do have a waiting list for young people wanting to join and the length of the wait will depend on your age and therefore which section (Beavers, Cubs Scouts etc) applies.
When there is a place available you will be contacted. Select the "Parent Information" box below for details of what happens.
To find out more about Scouting and our Group, visit our Parent Information Pages.
Select the Adult Support pages to find out the many different ways you can support Scouting on Hayling.
There may be a number of other reasons why you would like to contact us. Please select from the list below, so we can target your question to the appropriate person
Please Enter your name
Please Enter your email address
Please enter your question
We have received a number of spam emails and so we have introduced our own control approach. This is in the form of a simple sum, which after 3 incorrect attempts will block you from submitting your request.
We are sorry this has been necessary.
This is your First attempt
What is six + 6