What it means to sort our Xmas Post !

Each year, the Explorers plus other helpers perform the task of sorting all of the Xmas Cards so that they are ready for collection by 9:00am the following day. After 24 years this is now down to a fine art and in 2006, the sort and bundling took a total of 5 hours, including time for food and chatter.

This year over 20 people joined in, including one mum who came along to pick up her son and stayed for over an hour to help. On leaving she said that she had actually enjoyed sorting!!!

After the sort had finished many of the Explorers settled down to watch films, listen to music and continue the eating and chatting and then crawled into their Sleeping bags in the HQ.

The cards are ready and waiting for the Explorers to arrive.
The first job is to "frank" each card with our very own machines.
From here they are counted
and then sorted into 2 groups by road name, A-M and N-Z
Now for the hard bit, sorting into road names and then by road name into groups.
And finally the bundling into delivery groups. By the way the blur is not my photography, a fire, nor anyone smoking, but the output from our entertainments manager with a smoke machine!
Ah, the entertainments manager, music, lights and the smoke machine
And of course most importantly of all FOOD!