The Woggle

The newsletter of the 3rd Hayling Scout Group
July 2011

GSL's Update

More Top Awards
Congratulations and very well done to those who have received their top awards in the past 4 weeks:-

To Luke Byrne, Ryan Cooper, Alfie Clarke, Jason Hughes, Reuben Hutchinson and Sunnie Morrison all of Aspen Beavers who gained their Chief Scout's Bronze Award.

And Ross Ferguson, Harry Silver, Robert Sandford and Zac Elliot of Saturn Cub pack who gained their Chief Scout's Silver Award.

to Joe Spellor, Reece Chapman, Dominic Reed and James Hooker of Lion Troop with their Chief Scout's Gold Award.


Also shown with the Scouts from Lion Troop, on the right is Harry Whipp of Saturn Pack who received his Chief Scout's Silver Award during his first night in Scouts with Lion Troop.

To Harry Hick of Eagle Troop with his Chief Scout's Gold Award.

Eagle Troop win Camping Competition
Harry Hick of Eagle Troop led his patrol to 1st place in the composite patrol camping competition. 15 patrols took part in a weekend to test the planning, programming, cooking and camping skills of each Scout Patrol.

A patrol from Shark Troop won a trophy for showing most improvement and Lioness patrol were highly commended by the judges.

100 Club Results for June
Congratulations to Brenda Kenny and Denis Doney who each won £25 in the latest draw of our 100 club. Also to Mark Standing on winning the £50 quarterly draw.

Transport Fund tops £4000
Our transport fund has now exceeded the £4000 mark which is 20% of the way towards our new van and trailer. Thank you to everyone who has supported this fund which will make the life of our Leaders much easier when it comes to camp and help to keep our costs of camping under control.

Elastic Bands help us
If, like me, you are receiving a number of red elastic bands with your post each day and have wondered what you can do with them - then wonder no more!
We use elastic bands in a number of activities particularly when using garden canes to build a tower, ballista or similar mini-pioneering project. This is all good training for when our Scouts go to camp and build similar items from much larger pioneering poles and real rope!

If you would like to collect these, then there is a bin in the reception area of our HQ where you can leave them in the knowledge they will be well used for Scouting activity, and also hopefully reduce the wastage! Thank You

Why no Photographs in the Hayling Islander?
I was asked the other day why I have stopped submitting photographs of our achievements and activities to the Hayling Islander. The simple answer is that I do still submit them, but unfortunately for whatever reason they do not pass the editorial decision making for inclusion. I have been told this is due to space constraints!!.

Group Camp a great Success
Well, I had a great time at our recent "SMASH Camp" and based on the faces of those taking part it would seem that our Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers did as well.

It was also great to welcome those from the 1st Rowlands Castle Scout to join us.




With 180 people camping and another 40 joining us for the activities on the Saturday taking part in over 50 different activities and all working towards finding the "Man with the Golden Potato Peeler". The activities included climbing, rafting, cooking, making cocktails, building carts, blindfold and adventure course challenges, target practice and of course a traditional Camp Fire.

Thank you to everyone who took part and especially those who helped us give our young members a time to remember.

A great result for our Book Sale
Well done to Phil Blosse and our "bookie" team for their hard work in sorting and selling books at our recent sale. Although we had a lower number through the doors the team still made over £830 profit for the group

Tom, Jordan & Jacko near to completing their Climbing Training.
Over the past 12 months Tom Lincoln, Jordan Reed and Paul (Jacko) Jackson have been working towards a permit that will enable them to instruct Beavers, Cubs and Scouts on climbing walls and towers. Although there are some bits to do, they all passed their technical assessment whilst also helping at the Group Camp. Well done to you all.

A reminder about Subs
As this is the last edition of our newsletter before the holiday season, can I please remind everyone who pays their subs termly that the next payment of £24 will be due at the start of next term. Please help us by handing these to your leader at the start of the first meeting. Please enclose cash or cheques made payable to 3rd Hayling Scout Group in an envelope containing the name of the Beaver / Cub / Scout or Explorer. Thank You

Diary Dates

9th Service Crew Day
30th --> Summer Camps!